With my recent influx of free time, I have been running out of things to do towards the days end. Tonight, Chelsea and I decided we would start playing games instead of filling our minds with more TV than any humanoid should ingest. Actually we had fun. By ten o'clock I had successfully been owned in several rounds of speed, and Chelsea and her mom and I battled it out in UNO. It was a great night all in all. This gets me to thinking, How many board games, card games and other things do I miss out on for Splinter Cell or old re-runs of Lucy? Games like Uno, Chess, Monopoly and Speed (well not so much speed) really get the juices flowing and honestly, they really make you feel better than TV.
So I challenge you to put down the remote control this week, grab some cards, a board game, a puzzle, really anything that you can do with someone else that doesn't involve the bright, human sized insect zapper, and let it rip. See how much fun you can have back in the stone-age. It might surprise you.
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